can hedgehogs have catnip

Can Hedgehogs Have Catnip? Know Your Pet’s Dietary Needs

If you have a pet hedgehog, you may be wondering if they can have catnip. While hedgehogs can have catnip, it is not advisable to give them too much of it. A small amount of catnip usually has no effect on a hedgehog, but too much can cause them to become agitated and restless. It is not required to give your hedgehog catnip, as they are perfectly content without it. However, if you do choose to offer catnip to your hedgehog, there are a few things you should know. In this article, we will discuss the benefits of catnip for hedgehogs, as well as the potential risks. We will also explore catnip alternatives and whether hedgehogs can play with catnip toys. Keep reading to learn more!

Key Takeaways:

  • Hedgehogs can have catnip, but it is not necessary for their well-being.
  • While catnip does not affect hedgehogs in the same way as cats, many hedgehogs are attracted to the scent of catnip and may enjoy sniffing and rubbing their face in it.
  • Catnip is safe for hedgehogs to eat in small quantities, but too much can cause them to become agitated and restless.
  • It is important to provide a well-balanced diet for hedgehogs, including insects, fruits, and vegetables.
  • Instead of catnip, there are other treats and toys that are safe and enjoyable for hedgehogs to play with.

Can Hedgehogs Have Catnip?

When it comes to catnip and hedgehogs, there is some confusion. Can hedgehogs have catnip? The answer is yes, hedgehogs can have catnip, but it is not advisable to give them too much of it. While a small amount of catnip will usually have no effect on a hedgehog, too much can cause them to become agitated and restless.

It’s important to note that catnip is not necessary for hedgehogs. They are perfectly content without it. However, if you choose to offer your hedgehog some catnip, it’s best to do so in moderation and monitor their reaction. Some hedgehogs may enjoy the smell of catnip and may even nibble on it, but it does not have the same effect on them as it does on cats.

While catnip is generally safe for hedgehogs to consume, it is important to avoid giving them catnip toys. The chemical in catnip, nepetalactone, can cause hedgehogs to become agitated and restless. It’s always best to consult with a veterinarian before introducing any new toys or treats to your hedgehog’s environment.

What Other Treats Can Hedgehogs Have?

While catnip may not be the best treat for hedgehogs, there are several other treats that are safe and nutritious for them to consume. Hedgehogs are omnivores and can digest both plant and animal-based foods. In their natural habitat, they typically eat a diet consisting of insects, earthworms, snails, slugs, berries, and fruits.

Some safe and healthy treats for hedgehogs include canned tuna, cooked chicken, and hard-boiled eggs. These foods provide a good balance of protein and nutrients for their diet. It’s important to remember that hedgehogs do not require a diet composed solely of meat, so offering a variety of different foods is essential to ensure they are getting the necessary nutrients.

In summary, while hedgehogs can have catnip, it is not necessary for their well-being. It’s important to offer a balanced diet that includes a variety of safe and healthy treats. Always monitor your hedgehog’s reaction to any new foods or toys and consult with a veterinarian if you have any concerns.

Safe Treats for Hedgehogs Unsafe Treats for Hedgehogs
Canned tuna Avocado
Cooked chicken Bread
Hard-boiled eggs Onion

The Effects of Catnip on Hedgehogs

Can hedgehogs have catnip? This is a common question among pet owners, and the answer is yes, hedgehogs can have catnip. However, it is important to understand the effects it may have on them.

Catnip, also known as Nepeta cataria, contains a chemical compound called nepetalactone. This compound is known to have a stimulating effect on cats, causing them to become playful and excited. However, unlike cats, hedgehogs do not have the receptors in their brains that are affected by nepetalactone. As a result, catnip does not have the same euphoric effect on hedgehogs.

Although catnip may not have the same impact on hedgehogs as it does on cats, some hedgehogs may still be attracted to the scent of catnip. They may enjoy sniffing and rubbing their face on it. However, it is important to note that catnip should be given to hedgehogs in moderation. Too much catnip can cause hedgehogs to become agitated and restless. It is always best to observe your hedgehog’s behavior when introducing catnip and ensure they do not consume excessive amounts.

While catnip can be offered to hedgehogs as an occasional treat, it is not necessary for their overall well-being. Hedgehogs are primarily insectivores and require a diet rich in insects, fruits, and vegetables. It is important to provide a balanced diet that meets their nutritional needs and consult with a veterinarian for specific dietary recommendations for your hedgehog.

Can Hedgehogs Have Catnip? The Effects of Catnip on Hedgehogs Catnip Safety for Hedgehogs Catnip Alternatives for Hedgehogs
Yes Does not have the same euphoric effect as on cats Moderation is key to avoid agitation and restlessness Offer a balanced diet rich in insects, fruits, and vegetables

In conclusion, while hedgehogs can have catnip, it is important to be cautious and offer it in moderation. Catnip does not have the same effect on hedgehogs as it does on cats, but some hedgehogs may still be attracted to its scent. However, catnip is not necessary for hedgehogs’ overall well-being and should not replace a balanced diet rich in insects, fruits, and vegetables.

Catnip Safety for Hedgehogs

When it comes to catnip and hedgehogs, there are a few important things to keep in mind. While it is safe for hedgehogs to consume small quantities of catnip, it is not necessary or recommended to include it in their regular diet. Hedgehogs are insectivores and their nutritional needs are best met by a diet consisting of insects, fruits, and vegetables.

Catnip contains a chemical called nepetalactone, which can have a stimulating effect on cats. However, hedgehogs do not have the same receptors for nepetalactone, so catnip does not have the same effect on them. While some hedgehogs may be attracted to the scent of catnip and may enjoy sniffing and rubbing their face in it, it does not provide any nutritional benefits and should not be a staple in their diet.

It’s important to note that giving hedgehogs too much catnip can have negative effects. Excessive consumption of catnip can cause hedgehogs to become agitated and restless, leading to digestive issues such as diarrhea or vomiting. Therefore, it is best to limit the amount of catnip offered to hedgehogs and monitor their reactions closely.

Instead of catnip, there are other safe and nutritious treats that you can offer to your hedgehog. Some options include canned tuna, cooked chicken, and hard-boiled eggs. These foods are safe for hedgehogs to consume and provide them with the necessary nutrients. It’s also important to provide a varied diet for hedgehogs, including a mix of fresh fruits, vegetables, and insects to ensure they are getting a balanced diet.

Catnip Safety Tips for Hedgehogs
Limit catnip consumption to small quantities
Monitor hedgehog’s reactions closely
Offer other safe and nutritious treats
Provide a varied diet with fresh fruits, vegetables, and insects

In conclusion, while hedgehogs can have catnip in small quantities, it is not necessary for their diet and should be given with caution. It’s important to prioritize their nutritional needs by offering a balanced diet consisting of insects, fruits, vegetables, and safe treats. By providing a varied and appropriate diet, you can ensure the health and well-being of your hedgehog.

Catnip Alternatives for Hedgehogs

Hedgehogs and Catnip

Hedgehogs are not particularly interested in catnip since it does not contain the right chemicals to trigger their natural foraging instincts. Unlike cats, hedgehogs do not have the receptors in their brain that respond to the chemical compound nepetalactone found in catnip. However, this doesn’t mean that hedgehogs don’t like the smell of catnip. Many hedgehogs are attracted to the scent and may enjoy sniffing and rubbing their faces in it. So, while catnip may not have the same effect on hedgehogs as it does on cats, they may still enjoy the smell of it.

Safe Alternatives to Catnip

If you want to offer your hedgehog something similar to catnip, there are safe alternatives available. One option is silver vine (Actinidia polygama), a plant that also contains nepetalactone but may have a stronger effect on hedgehogs. Another alternative is valerian root, which can have a calming and relaxing effect on hedgehogs. These alternatives can be purchased in the form of dried leaves or as part of interactive toys specifically designed for hedgehogs.

Other Enrichment Options

While catnip alternatives can provide some sensory stimulation for hedgehogs, it’s important to remember that they have different dietary needs and preferences compared to cats. Hedgehogs are insectivores and thrive on a diet that includes a variety of insects, fruits, and vegetables. Providing your hedgehog with a diverse and enriching environment is essential for their overall well-being. You can introduce different textures and smells by offering safe objects for them to explore, such as tunnels, balls, and chew toys.


In conclusion, while hedgehogs can have catnip, it does not have the same effect on them as it does on cats. Hedgehogs are not inherently attracted to catnip, but they may enjoy the smell. If you want to provide sensory enrichment for your hedgehog, consider using safe alternatives like silver vine or valerian root. Remember to prioritize their dietary needs by offering a balanced diet of insects, fruits, and vegetables. Creating a stimulating environment with various toys and objects can also contribute to your hedgehog’s overall well-being and happiness.

Catnip Alternatives for Hedgehogs
Hedgehogs are not particularly interested in catnip due to the lack of receptors in their brain
Safe alternatives to catnip include silver vine and valerian root
Provide a diverse and enriching environment for your hedgehog with different textures and smells

Can Hedgehogs Play with Catnip Toys?

While hedgehogs may not have the same reaction to catnip as cats, they can still enjoy playing with catnip toys. The scent of catnip is often appealing to hedgehogs, and they may engage with the toys by sniffing and rubbing their face on them. However, it is important to ensure the safety of your hedgehog when offering catnip toys.

Catnip toys designed for cats are generally safe for hedgehogs as long as they remain intact. It is important to regularly check the toys for any damage that could pose a choking hazard. Hedgehogs are generally less destructive than cats or dogs, so they are less likely to rip open the toys. However, it is advisable to replace the toys more frequently if they become soiled with urine and feces, as hedgehogs tend to urinate and defecate whenever and wherever they want.

When considering catnip toys for your hedgehog, it is always a good idea to consult with a veterinarian to ensure the safety and suitability of the toy for your pet. While some hedgehogs may enjoy playing with catnip toys, it is important to remember that their primary focus should be on their specific dietary and environmental needs.


In conclusion, hedgehogs can play with catnip toys, although their response to catnip itself may not be as pronounced as that of cats. It is essential to prioritize the safety of your hedgehog and regularly inspect the toys for any damage that could pose a choking hazard. Additionally, consulting with a veterinarian can help ensure that the catnip toy is safe and suitable for your hedgehog. Remember to always prioritize your hedgehog’s dietary and environmental needs above playtime with catnip toys.


After conducting thorough research, it is clear that catnip does not have the same effect on hedgehogs as it does on cats. While some hedgehogs may be attracted to the scent of catnip, it does not have the same stimulating properties for them. While small amounts of catnip are generally safe for hedgehogs, it is not necessary to include it in their diet.

Instead, hedgehogs should be fed a balanced diet that consists of high-quality hedgehog food, supplemented with insects, fruits, and vegetables. Cat treats are not suitable for hedgehogs, as they are high in fat and low in protein, which does not meet their dietary needs.

When it comes to catnip toys, it is best to avoid giving them to hedgehogs. The chemical compounds in catnip can cause hedgehogs to become agitated and restless, posing a potential risk to their well-being.

Instead, hedgehog owners can provide their pets with a variety of safe and engaging toys, such as tunnels, chase toys, and interactive toys. These toys can provide mental stimulation and physical exercise for hedgehogs, keeping them happy and entertained.

In conclusion, while hedgehogs may be curious about catnip, it is not necessary or recommended to give it to them. By focusing on a nutritious diet and providing appropriate toys, hedgehog owners can ensure the health and well-being of their beloved pets.


Q: Can hedgehogs have catnip?

A: Yes, hedgehogs can have catnip, but it is not advisable to give them too much of it. A small amount of catnip will usually have no effect on a hedgehog, but too much can cause them to become agitated and restless.

Q: What are the effects of catnip on hedgehogs?

A: Catnip does not have the same effect on hedgehogs as it does on cats. Hedgehogs do not have the receptors that can be affected by catnip, so it has no effect on their behavior. However, they may still be attracted to the scent of catnip and enjoy sniffing and rubbing their face in it.

Q: Is catnip safe for hedgehogs to consume?

A: Catnip is safe for hedgehogs to eat in small quantities. However, too much catnip can cause digestive problems and lead to diarrhea or vomiting. It is best to offer catnip as a treat in moderation.

Q: What are some alternatives to catnip for hedgehogs?

A: Hedgehogs can enjoy a variety of treats, including canned tuna, cooked chicken, and hard-boiled eggs. These treats are safe and nutritious for hedgehogs to consume. Additionally, offering a variety of different foods, such as insects, fruits, and vegetables, can ensure a well-balanced diet for your hedgehog.

Q: Can hedgehogs play with catnip toys?

A: It is not recommended to allow hedgehogs to play with catnip toys. The chemicals in catnip can cause hedgehogs to become agitated and restless. If you want to provide toys for your hedgehog, it is best to choose toys specifically designed for hedgehogs and consult with a veterinarian to ensure they are safe for your pet.

Q: Can hedgehogs eat cat treats?

A: Hedgehogs should not eat cat treats. Cat treats are typically high in fat and calories and low in protein, which is not suitable for hedgehogs’ dietary needs. It is best to provide a balanced diet of high-quality hedgehog food supplemented with insects, fruits, and vegetables.

Q: Can hedgehogs eat cheese?

A: Hedgehogs can eat cheese in small amounts. However, it is important to note that hedgehogs are lactose intolerant, so cheese should be given sparingly and only as an occasional treat.

Q: What foods should hedgehogs avoid?

A: Hedgehogs should avoid foods such as avocado, bread, onion, crackers, processed food, seeds, nuts, raw meat, raw eggs, grapes, and raisins. These foods can be harmful to hedgehogs and may cause digestive problems or other health issues.

Q: What is the best diet for hedgehogs?

A: Hedgehogs require a balanced diet of high-quality hedgehog food that is low in fat and high in protein. In addition to hedgehog food, they can also eat a variety of insects, fruits, and vegetables. It is important to provide a diverse diet to ensure they are receiving all the necessary nutrients.

Q: Can hedgehogs eat cat biscuits?

A: Hedgehogs can eat small amounts of cat biscuits, as long as they are not the primary source of food. Cat biscuits should be a supplement to a balanced diet of hedgehog food and other appropriate foods for hedgehogs.

Q: What are some safe and healthy treats for hedgehogs?

A: Some safe and healthy treats for hedgehogs include mealworms, crickets, cooked chicken, vegetables, and fruits. These treats provide variety and nutrition for hedgehogs, but should be given in moderation.

Q: Can hedgehogs eat dried fruit?

A: Dried fruit is challenging for hedgehogs to chew and can pose a choking hazard. It is best to avoid feeding dried fruit to hedgehogs and opt for fresh fruits instead.

Q: What should I avoid feeding my hedgehog?

A: It is best to avoid feeding hedgehogs foods that are high in fat, sugar, or salt. It is also important to avoid feeding hedgehogs foods that are toxic to them, such as chocolate, onions, and grapes.

Q: Can hedgehogs eat dog treats?

A: Hedgehogs can eat small amounts of high-quality dog treats as an occasional treat, but they should not be a staple in their diet. It is important to choose dog treats that are low in fat and made with high-quality ingredients.

Q: Can hedgehogs eat human-grade treats?

A: Hedgehogs can eat some human-grade treats, such as cooked chicken or turkey, as long as they are not seasoned or prepared with ingredients that are harmful to hedgehogs. It is important to avoid giving hedgehogs foods that are high in fat or contain harmful additives.

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