can hedgehogs eat rabbit food

Can Hedgehogs Eat Rabbit Food? Comprehensive Guide

Hedgehogs are cute little animals that look like they belong in a children’s book. They live in Europe and Asia and are known for their unique quills or spines. In addition to being adorable, these creatures also have some interesting habits.

Key Takeaways:

  • Hedgehogs have specific dietary needs and rely on insects and invertebrates as their main food source.
  • Rabbit food is not suitable for hedgehogs as it lacks the necessary nutrients and can be difficult for them to chew.
  • Other animal foods such as cat food and dog food can be fed to hedgehogs, but they should be of high quality and properly supplemented.
  • It is important to provide a varied diet to hedgehogs to ensure they receive the nutrition they need.

Hedgehog Diet

In particular, the hedgehog has a very specific diet. If you spot one in your garden and you want to feed it, you’ll need to be equipped with the necessary information to ensure that you aren’t doing the hedgehog more harm than good. Hedgehogs tend to rely solely on insects and other invertebrates as their main food source. A typical diet will include foods such as beetles, earwigs, caterpillars, earthworms, millipedes, and fly larvae.

However, there are some foods that hedgehogs should not eat. Hedgehogs are lactose intolerant, so they cannot drink or eat anything with dairy in it, including milk. They also should not eat bread or mealworms. These foods can cause digestive problems for hedgehogs.

When it comes to feeding hedgehogs, it is important to provide a balanced and varied diet. This means offering a mix of protein-rich foods, such as insects and high-quality cat or kitten food, and supplementing with other safe options like boiled eggs, cooked chicken, yogurt, baby food, cooked beef, or crickets. It’s also important to introduce new foods slowly and monitor your hedgehog closely for any signs of digestive issues or poor health.

Safe Foods for Hedgehogs Foods to Avoid
  • Insects (beetles, earwigs, caterpillars, etc.)
  • High-quality cat or kitten food
  • Boiled eggs
  • Cooked chicken
  • Yogurt
  • Baby food
  • Cooked beef
  • Crickets
  • Dairy products (including milk)
  • Bread
  • Mealworms

Hedgehogs and Rabbit Food

Now, let’s address the question of whether hedgehogs can eat rabbit food. While rabbit food may seem like a convenient option, it is not an ideal choice for hedgehogs. Rabbit food is typically marketed as a complete diet for rabbits and may not provide the necessary nutritional balance for hedgehogs.

In addition, the size and shape of rabbit food pellets can pose a challenge for hedgehogs, as they have small mouths and teeth. Hedgehogs may struggle to properly chew and digest rabbit food. Furthermore, rabbit food often contains hay, which hedgehogs cannot digest.

Hedgehogs and Other Animal Foods

While hedgehogs can eat certain types of pet foods, it’s important to choose the right options and consider their nutritional needs. Hedgehogs can eat cat food and dog food, but it is crucial to select high-quality options and ensure that the food is in small, digestible pieces. Other animal foods, such as rat food or guinea pig food, are not suitable for hedgehogs as they lack the necessary nutrients or are difficult to digest.

What to Feed Hedgehogs

When it comes to feeding hedgehogs, a well-rounded and balanced diet is key. In addition to their primary diet of insects and invertebrates, hedgehogs can be supplemented with high-quality wet or dry cat food or kitten food. These foods should be meat-based and free of harmful additives. It’s important to offer a variety of foods and introduce new items gradually to ensure proper digestion.

Here are some safe options to consider:

  • Insects (such as mealworms or crickets)
  • High-quality cat or kitten food (wet or dry)
  • Boiled eggs
  • Cooked chicken
  • Yogurt (without added sugars)
  • Baby food (meat-based or pureed fruits/vegetables)

Remember to always provide fresh water for your hedgehog to stay hydrated. Feeding should be done in a shallow dish placed in a shaded area of your garden, preferably at dusk when hedgehogs are more active.

By offering a diverse and nutritionally balanced diet, you can ensure that your hedgehog remains healthy and happy.

Hedgehogs And Rabbit Food

Many people have wondered whether hedgehogs can eat food made specifically for other animals, such as rabbit food. If you are one such person you’re in luck! Let’s explore whether hedgehogs can eat rabbit food and understand the potential issues with it.

The first factor to consider is the ingredients in rabbit food. The nutrition and ingredients can vary from brand to brand, so it’s important to check the label before feeding it to your hedgehog. Look for rabbit foods that are protein-rich and contain a variety of nutrients like calcium, phosphorus, and vitamins A, D, and E. Avoid foods with artificial colors and preservatives.

Another consideration is the size and shape of the rabbit food. Hedgehogs have small mouths, so they may find it challenging to eat large or hard pieces. If you decide to feed your hedgehog rabbit food, opt for smaller, softer pieces. Look for brands that offer nuggets, crumbles, or other easy-to-chew options.

It’s important to note that hedgehogs require more protein than rabbits, so supplementing the rabbit food may be necessary. Consider adding high-quality cat or kitten food, boiled eggs, cooked chicken, yogurt, baby food, cooked beef, or crickets to your hedgehog’s diet to meet their protein needs.

Table: Foods Suitable for Hedgehogs

Safe Foods for Hedgehogs
Fly larvae

In conclusion, hedgehogs can eat rabbit food, but it’s important to choose the right kind, feed it in moderation, and consider supplementing with other safe foods to ensure your hedgehog’s nutritional needs are met.

Hedgehogs And Other Animal Foods

So, if rabbit food is off the table, are there any other animal foods that you can feed hedgehogs? Take a look below to find out.

When it comes to feeding hedgehogs, it’s important to consider their specific dietary needs. While hedgehogs primarily rely on insects and other invertebrates as their main food source, they can also consume certain other animal foods in moderation.

Here is a breakdown of some animal foods that hedgehogs can safely eat:

1. Cat Food: Hedgehogs can eat cat food, especially high-quality options. However, it’s important to choose cat food that is not too salty, sugary, or canned. Opt for wet, meat-based cat food for hedgehogs.

2. Dog Food: Hedgehogs can also generally eat dog food. However, it’s essential to break the food into small pieces to ensure proper digestion. Avoid frozen, salty, or sugary dog food, as it can cause health problems.

3. Bird Food: While birds primarily consume seeds, hedgehogs should not be fed bird food. Seeds can cause digestive problems for hedgehogs, so it’s best to avoid this type of food altogether.

4. Rat Food: Hedgehogs should not be fed rat food. Rat foods are typically low in protein and fats, which hedgehogs need for their nutritional requirements. Additionally, rat food often contains corn and grain-based components that hedgehogs are unable to digest.

5. Guinea Pig Food: Similar to rabbits, guinea pigs are herbivores and have a diet that differs from hedgehogs. Hedgehogs should not be given guinea pig food as it may not provide sufficient nutrition for their needs.

To ensure a balanced diet for your hedgehog, it’s crucial to provide a variety of foods. Wet and meat-based cat or dog food can be a good option, but be sure to crush dry cat or dog food into smaller pieces for easier consumption. Additionally, you can consider purchasing specialist hedgehog food from a pet or garden store that has a high meat content and is free from harmful ingredients.

Remember to feed your hedgehog in a shallow dish placed in a shaded area of your garden, preferably around sunset. Also, provide water bowls for hydration.

By considering the specific dietary needs of hedgehogs and providing them with safe and suitable food choices, you can help them maintain a healthy and balanced diet.


Hedgehogs can eat certain other animal foods in addition to their primary diet of insects and invertebrates. It is safe to feed them cat food and dog food, but it’s important to choose high-quality options and avoid foods that are too salty, sugary, or canned. Hedgehogs should not be fed bird food, rat food, or guinea pig food as these may not provide the necessary nutrition for their specific dietary needs. Opt for wet and meat-based cat or dog food and consider supplementing with specialist hedgehog food for a balanced diet. Remember to provide food in a shallow dish and offer water bowls for hydration.

What To Feed Hedgehogs

Well, as discussed above, you can give a hedgehog cat or dog food. If you do, make sure that it is wet and meat-based. Hedgehogs have specific dietary needs, and it’s important to provide them with foods that are suitable for their health and nutrition.

Here are some safe foods that you can include in a hedgehog’s diet:

Foods Hedgehogs Can Eat
Cat food
Dog food
High-quality wet cat food
High-quality wet dog food
Small pieces of cooked chicken
Boiled eggs
Baby food

When feeding hedgehogs cat or dog food, it’s important to ensure that the food is wet and meat-based. Hedgehogs have small mouths, so the food should be in small, easy-to-chew pieces.

It’s also a good idea to supplement the hedgehog’s diet with a variety of other safe foods. This can include small pieces of cooked chicken, boiled eggs, yogurt, and baby food. However, it’s important to introduce new foods gradually and keep an eye out for any digestive issues or signs of poor health.

By choosing high-quality foods and providing a balanced and varied diet, you can ensure that your hedgehog is getting the nutrition and variety they need to thrive.


When it comes to feeding hedgehogs, wet and meat-based cat or dog food is a suitable option. Supplementing their diet with other safe foods like cooked chicken, boiled eggs, yogurt, and baby food can provide added nutrition and variety. It’s important to introduce new foods gradually and monitor their digestion and overall health.


We hope that this guide has helped you understand how to care for a hedgehog. It’s important to remember that hedgehogs are very sensitive creatures – so be sure to remain calm around a hedgehog if you spot one!

When it comes to their diet, hedgehogs have specific nutritional needs that should be met to ensure their overall health and well-being. While there may be some confusion about whether hedgehogs can eat rabbit food, it is generally not recommended. Rabbit food is designed for herbivores and lacks the necessary protein and nutritional content that hedgehogs require.

Instead, focus on providing your hedgehog with a balanced diet that includes a variety of insect-based foods. Hedgehogs are insectivores by nature and thrive on foods such as beetles, earwigs, caterpillars, earthworms, millipedes, and fly larvae.

If you’re looking to supplement their diet, you can also offer them small portions of high-quality cat or dog food. Just be sure to choose wet and meat-based options, as hedgehogs struggle to chew and digest dry or larger food pieces. It’s important to avoid foods that hedgehogs cannot tolerate, such as dairy products, bread, or mealworms.

Remember, when introducing new foods to your hedgehog’s diet, do so gradually and in moderation. Watch for any signs of digestive issues or other health concerns and consult with a veterinarian if needed.

By understanding and meeting your hedgehog’s dietary needs, you can ensure they thrive and live a happy and healthy life.


Q: Can hedgehogs eat rabbit food?

A: Hedgehogs can eat rabbit food, but it is important to check the ingredients and choose a brand that is protein-rich and contains a variety of nutrients. Rabbit food should be small and soft to accommodate the hedgehog’s small mouth.

Q: What other animal foods can hedgehogs eat?

A: Hedgehogs can also eat cat food and dog food, as long as it is high-quality and free from excessive salt, sugar, or preservatives. They should avoid bird food, rat food, guinea pig food, and other foods that are not suitable for their nutritional needs.

Q: What should I feed my hedgehog?

A: A hedgehog’s diet should consist of a variety of foods, including insects, invertebrates, wet and meat-based cat or dog food, and high-quality hedgehog food from pet or garden stores. It is important to ensure the food is small, easily digestible, and provides the necessary nutrients for the hedgehog’s health.

Q: Can hedgehogs eat bread or mealworms?

A: No, hedgehogs should not eat bread or mealworms as they are not suitable for their digestion. Additionally, hedgehogs are lactose intolerant and should not consume anything with dairy in it, including milk.

Q: How should I feed a hedgehog?

A: To feed a hedgehog, put the food of choice in a shallow dish and leave it in a shaded area of your garden, preferably around sunset. Make sure to provide water bowls as hedgehogs need to stay hydrated.

Q: What are the key takeaways about feeding hedgehogs?

A: Hedgehogs require a specific diet that includes insects, invertebrates, and high-quality wet and meat-based cat or dog food. They should avoid foods that are hard to chew or digest, contain dairy, excessive salt, or sugar. It is important to choose the right kind of food, feed in moderation, and supplement with other safe foods if necessary.

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